List :: 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

  • Lord of the Flies


    Lord of the Flies

    by William Golding

    (45 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 20

    537 points

    "The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon."

  • Deliverance



    by James Dickey

    (2 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 361

    59 points

    "Before: It unrolled slowly, forced to show its colors, curling and snapping back whenever one of us turned loose. The whole land was very tense until we put our four steins on its corners and laid..."

  • A Dance to the Music of Time


    A Dance to the Music of Time

    by Anthony Powell

    (2 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 159

    127 points

    "The men at work at the corner of the street had made a kind of a camp for themselves, where, marked out by tripods hung with red hurricane-lamps, an abyss in the road led down to a network of..."

  • Point Counter Point


    Point Counter Point

    by Aldous Huxley

    (2 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 366

    57 points

    "'You won't be late?'"

  • The Sun Also Rises


    The Sun Also Rises

    by Ernest Hemingway

    (23 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 42

    335 points

    "Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton."

  • The Secret Agent


    The Secret Agent

    by Joseph Conrad

    (3 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 373

    55 points

    "Mr. Verloc, going out in the morning, left his shop nominally in charge of his brother-in-law. It could be done, because there was very little business at any time, and practically none at all..."

  • Nostromo



    by Joseph Conrad

    (5 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 112

    173 points

    "In the time of Spanish rule, and for many years afterwards, the town of Sulaco—the luxuriant beauty of the orange gardens bears witness to its antiquity—had never been commercially anything more..."

  • The Rainbow


    The Rainbow

    by D. H. Lawrence

    (2 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 158

    128 points

    "The Brangwens had lived for generations on the Marsh Farm, in the meadows where the Erewash twisted sluggishly through alder trees, separating Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire."

  • Women in Love


    Women in Love

    by D. H. Lawrence

    (5 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 79

    226 points

    "Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen sat one morning in the window-bay of their father’s house in Beldover, working and talking. Ursula was stitching a piece of brightly-coloured embroidery, and Gudrun was..."

  • Tropic of Cancer


    Tropic of Cancer

    by Henry Miller

    (8 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 130

    151 points

    "I am living at the Villa Borghese."