Book :: Deliverance

By: James Dickey
Pages: 288
Published: 1970
Genre(s): Adventure
Rating: 12345 (2)


59 points

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The setting is the Georgia wilderness, where the states most remote white-water river awaits. In the thundering froth of that river, in its echoing stone canyons, four men on a canoe trip discover a freedom and exhilaration beyond compare. And then, in a moment of horror, the adventure turns into a struggle for survival as one man becomes a human hunter who is offered his own harrowing...

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forline forline 12345

Couldn't stop reading! Horror!

Oct 10th, 2016

Jojoelliott Jojoelliott 12345

Feb 14th, 2013

Deliverance appears on these lists...

42nd on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library