Book :: Matilda

By: Roald Dahl
Pages: 240
Published: 1988
Genre(s): Childrens
Rating: 12345 (13)


52 points

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Tejas Nair Tejas Nair 12345

Matilda was such a breezy, great read that I devoured it in about a day and felt so good afterwards I have decided to follow more of Dahl's books, which I feel should be recommended more to people who are beginning to enjoy the art of reading. It's both funny and serious stuff. TN.

Apr 7th, 2020

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn 12345

Matilda was a five-year-old who was completely unappreciated by her parents. They didn't recognize her genius mind, but her teacher did. Matilda discovered she had a unique gift, too. MG chapter book.

Feb 17th, 2020

forline forline 12345

I did love this!

Mar 24th, 2018

Portia Portia 12345

Mar 13th, 2017

bryanoz bryanoz 12345

Jun 27th, 2015

Tim35 Tim35 12345

Jul 16th, 2014

nutmeg62 nutmeg62 12345

This book continues to be one of my absolute favorites. I have been consistently reading this book for at least 8 years. The story of Matilda gives the intellectual and lonely girls a new power and hope for the future. Highly recommend for all ages.

Jun 30th, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky 12345

May 26th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs 12345

May 13th, 2014

theTYTAN3 theTYTAN3 12345

Nov 17th, 2013

red13x red13x 12345

I absolutely loved this as a child.

Nov 6th, 2013

QueenBeeChelle QueenBeeChelle 12345

Aug 20th, 2013

skhamilt skhamilt 12345

Best book for young girls.

Aug 11th, 2013

Matilda appears on these lists...

74th on The Big Read by BBC

76th on Books of the Century by Waterstone