Book :: Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four
By: George Orwell
Pages: 326
Published: Jun 8th, 1949
Genre(s): Science Fiction
Rating: (69)


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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 24th, 2024

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This is a classic that I decided to get because it seemed to be liked by others. Not so much by me. Parts were interesting, most was so bizarre and simply strange. Very well performed on, though.

Oct 14th, 2019

Ninett Ninett

May 5th, 2019

JesusCage JesusCage

Sep 21st, 2018

forline forline

Re-read with my daughter!

Dec 31st, 2017

Azrael Azrael

Jul 30th, 2017

Portia Portia

Mar 10th, 2017

b00kworm b00kworm

This book had been on my list to read for a very long time and I am so glad I finally decided to read it! The novel is the essence of what Distopia is. Orwell did not disappoint with his thought provoking world of hate, anger and conformity. I truly felt like I was right along side the protagonist as he travels from resistance to ultimately acceptance. Also a perfect read in this unprecedented era where we now compare "doublethink" to "alternative facts." "A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war."

Jan 31st, 2017

bookfre bookfre

just great! available for free

Dec 24th, 2016

Hammer2665 Hammer2665

Aug 3rd, 2016

justinwolfe82 justinwolfe82

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I did not fully appreciate it in high school, but I do now. Probably would rate this #1 at this point, but I have a lot of books to go.

Jul 26th, 2016

joebetta joebetta

Will probably forever be my favorite book.

Jul 15th, 2016

D-Train D-Train

A classic! This must be what it's like to live in North Korea! Yikes!

Jun 4th, 2016

InfuriatinglyRed InfuriatinglyRed

Jun 2nd, 2016

Aaron Sztrakoniczky Aaron Sztrakoniczky

Orwell is a genius ! Everything is pondered and makes you ponder a lot, one of the best book I've read !

Jun 1st, 2016

minhthuann minhthuann

Absolutely brilliant! It was very fun but also thought provoking with its not-so-subtle anti totalitarianism remarks. Well-written and has an interesting world! Winston Smith is the representation of the society and he is very well built up and described by George Orwell! Amazing book.

Apr 5th, 2016

Lanas Lanas

I hear many things for that book before read it..All my friend has read it and found it simply amazing..Tell me is soft and masterpiece..When i start to read it little trouble me because dont have conversations..On the most part "George Orwell" describe the story with detail..When i continue to read it i go very deep in the story and i wasn't to go out..Read hours and hours with passion the story..The book is really masterpiece with amazing storytelling from "Orwell"..Is so prophetic,merciless,clever without happy ending..Is very serious with specific detail about anything..Is one of the most influence books all the time..How movies take something from it?How songs write about this?.Big brother tv show take the name and the plan from this book.. I suggest this book to anyone whom want to start reading literature..Soft,good written and it can relax anyone..

Aug 5th, 2015


Jun 8th, 2015

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 5th, 2015

Nigelyul Nigelyul

Great book. Lots of interesting ideas and content such as the doublethink and Ingsoc. A must read book for people whose minds wander to the borders to the limits and borders of new ideas and thoughts.

Apr 12th, 2015

HimePanic HimePanic

Very interesting book. But you can skim the chapter when he is reading from the book. That part was so freaking long. But everything else was great!

Mar 10th, 2015

dkbunnell dkbunnell

Feb 25th, 2015


One of my favorite books!

Feb 6th, 2015

Trappalapp Trappalapp

Jan 26th, 2015

absocold4 absocold4

Idea of it is cool "big brother" but felt like it dragged on and on and on...

Jan 11th, 2015

willoyd willoyd

Dec 30th, 2014

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

sharon sharon

You must read this book and see how prophetic Orwell was and is. Big brother is watching.

Dec 7th, 2014

Anca Anca

Nov 27th, 2014

acpac2004 acpac2004

Jul 25th, 2014

martin63 martin63

love george orwell all his books are just wonderful

Jul 2nd, 2014

Tejas Nair Tejas Nair

A great political novel. An essential novel for any government or its bureaucrats to consider so as to edify the present state. Orwell succeeds in conveying the point: the grave truth about a totalitarian system.

Jun 30th, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky

May 26th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

May 9th, 2014

ariellewelch ariellewelch

May 1st, 2014

maupavez maupavez

Awsome Book

Feb 28th, 2014

abq22 abq22

Feb 27th, 2014

Fede Fede

Feb 20th, 2014

haleymotl haleymotl

Jan 13th, 2014

red13x red13x

I really enjoyed parts 1 and 2, I couldn't put the book down, I did find part 3 dragged on a bit though. Overall a very good story that is likely the inspiration for a lot of films out there like V for Vendetta, Equilibrium and Minority Report.

Jan 6th, 2014

rsmm rsmm


Jan 1st, 2014

mperry2743 mperry2743

Dec 17th, 2013

Thea Thea

OMG - exciting - frightening - heart thumping!! Scary -no private space... No respite . And how prophetic?? For today and written before 1950! Did Orwell Tao into the future?

Oct 18th, 2013

imagineabby imagineabby

Such a great book! Any book that can keep you on edge and keep your heart pounding is worth reading ans that is exactly what this book does.

Oct 4th, 2013

awickie awickie

I absolutely adore this book! I would recommend this book to everyone!

Oct 3rd, 2013

pookers pookers

An amazing novel that brought a world of apprehension and overbearingness to life. It is the epitome of the dystopian novel.

Sep 6th, 2013

_Cosmic_Love__ _Cosmic_Love__

Sep 3rd, 2013

che che

Aug 29th, 2013

Suboshigrl Suboshigrl

Aug 23rd, 2013

rebekahj391 rebekahj391

Everyone kept telling me how much I would hate this book, but I proved them all wrong by loving it! It was very thought provoking and enjoyable. It never moved at a fast pace, but it had plenty of action. The detailing is incredible (such as when Winston lays a hair across the top of the journal so he can tell if anyone tampers with it). I loved the characterization of Winston as well. I was not a huge fan of the ending, and some parts of the novel were definitely straight up WEIRD, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Aug 23rd, 2013

nessievanessa nessievanessa

I found it predictable and bland. I did not find myself hoping for the story to end a certain way (ex. I didn't hope Winston would survive or not. I was just so uninterested). However, it will hopefully make you think.

Aug 22nd, 2013

janeb1711 janeb1711

I've heard about this book and the many references to Big Brother so often I decided to read it. It was nothing like I expected it to be. It's actually a love story. It's well written,I highly recommend it.

Jul 29th, 2013

aola aola

Jul 21st, 2013

ivana037 ivana037

Jul 19th, 2013

Applejack Applejack

An absolutely fascinating, completely captivating novel. Easily one of the greatest books I've ever read. I can't remember the last time I was so captured by a book, it constantly crossed my thoughts during the day, and often crept into my dreams at night. A brilliantly imaginative look at a dystopian future full of tyranny, fear and hatred. The three parts of this book pull so many emotions out of you. Amazing!

Jul 9th, 2013

kiki kiki

My boyfriend's favourite book, I have to say it's a little eerie to be my favourite, especially as I watched television and imagined what it must be like for Winston, his every move being watched. It's certainly a very interesting book and there's something in it for everyone, politics, love, action, suspense and the power of the human mind!

May 20th, 2013

Apollyon_ Apollyon_

Apr 2nd, 2013

briggsy200 briggsy200

Apr 1st, 2013

fiolds fiolds

Mar 30th, 2013

rorysthomson rorysthomson

A hauntingly accurate portrayal of modern totalitarian governing. Big Brother is watching...

Mar 28th, 2013

rconawa rconawa

This book was written as fiction, but may become to be know more as factual. The book dives deep into human imperfection and government control.

Mar 25th, 2013

Fflwff Stwff Fflwff Stwff

I loved this book. It felt fantastical and unreal, yet there was still an eerie element of verisimilitude about it. Orwell's portrayal of the typical human's flaws as so scary and destructive makes this work truly a masterpiece.

Mar 22nd, 2013

palam120 palam120

Mar 8th, 2013

matthewrparks matthewrparks

It seems that as time progresses, a book once seen as paranoid and dystopian is only becoming closer and closer to the truth. Orwell creates an all too realistic and horrific vision of the future - one that hits close to home, and is only fiction in the most debatable sense.

Feb 25th, 2013

lgaston99 lgaston99

A work of fiction or a look into the future? It is interesting to see the parallels between this book and what is occurring currently within governments around the world, including our own. It makes you wonder how far off an Orwellian state actually is.

Feb 17th, 2013

jdbosel jdbosel

When George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, he was met with great resistance from publishers in the Ministry of Information who believed that the book cast too harsh a light on Stalin and his political regimes. This experience helped launch some of the central themes for this work, 1984. Political fascism and control of information became tools used by Big Brother to control the citizens of Orwell's dystopia. The prevalence and unease of this book can still be felt today as we deal with issues in our own world that sometimes mirror the events in 1984, especially where censorship or socialist issues are concerned. It is a rare occurrence to read any commentary on issues of internet censorship or regulation, government decisions that seem invasive, or attempts to govern communication that aren't met with shouts of "Big Brother is watching!" Societal nervousness about losing their free will to be dominated by an oppressive government are still felt today and keep 1984 a relevant read.

Feb 15th, 2013

loonyluna1331 loonyluna1331

This book was assigned for Summer reading while I was in High School, but I would have read it either way. The story is engaging, the characters are very real, and the situation is just realistic enough to be creepy. Even though the real 1984 has come and gone without much trouble, this one could still be coming...

Feb 3rd, 2013

livingshade livingshade

Jan 31st, 2013

Stu Stu

This was one of the very first books that I had to read for school that I actually enjoyed. For me it's the kind of book that changes the way you look at the world, which is the very best kind of book.

Jan 29th, 2013

Nineteen Eighty-Four appears on these lists...

30th on The 20th Centrury's Greatest Hits by American Book Review

86th on The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Bert

13th on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

9th on Rival 100 Best Novels by Radcliffe

22nd on 100 Books of the Century by Le Monde

59th on 100 Greatest Novels of All Time by The Guardian

8th on Books You Can't Live Without by The Guardian

21st on 100 Novels Everyone Should Read by Telegraph

8th on The Big Read by BBC

2nd on Books of the Century by Waterstone

2nd on Top 100 Books by Newsweek

6th on 100 Books of the Past Century by Koen Books