List :: 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

  • A High Wind in Jamaica


    A High Wind in Jamaica

    by Richard Hughes

    (2 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 477

    30 points

    "One of the fruits of Emancipation in the West Indian islands is the number of ruins, either attached to the houses that remain or within a stone's throw of them: ruined slaves' quarters, ruined..."

  • A House for Mr.Biswas


    A House for Mr.Biswas

    by V. S. Naipaul

    (1 Review)

    Overall Rank: 268

    79 points

    "Ten weeks before he died, Mr. Mohun Biswas, a journalist of Sikkim Street, St. James, Port of Spain, was sacked."

  • The Day of the Locust


    The Day of the Locust

    by Nathanael West

    (3 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 199

    98 points

    "Around quitting time, Tod Hackett heard a great din on the road outside his office."

  • A Farewell to Arms


    A Farewell to Arms

    by Ernest Hemingway

    (8 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 78

    230 points

    "In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains."

  • Scoop



    by Evelyn Waugh

    (5 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 122

    156 points

    "While still a young man, John Courteney Boot had, as his publisher proclaimed, 'achieved an assured and enviable position in contemporary letters'."

  • The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie


    The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

    by Muriel Spark

    (5 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 180

    109 points

    "The boys, as they talked to the girls from Marcia Blaine School, stood on the far side of their bicycles holding the handlebars, which established a protective fence of bicycle between the sexes,..."

  • Finnegans Wake


    Finnegans Wake

    by James Joyce

    (4 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 72

    247 points

    "riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs."

  • Kim



    by Rudyard Kipling

    (6 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 161

    125 points

    "He sat, in defiance of municipal orders, astride the gun Zam-Zammah on her brick platform opposite the old Ajaib-Gher - the Wonder House, as the natives call the Lahore Museum."

  • A Room with a View


    A Room with a View

    by E. M. Forster

    (7 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 123

    156 points

    "The Signora had no business to do it," said Miss Bartlett, "no business at all. She promised us south rooms with a view close together, instead of which here are north rooms, looking into a...

  • Brideshead Revisited


    Brideshead Revisited

    by Evelyn Waugh

    (9 Reviews)

    Overall Rank: 64

    269 points

    "When I reached C Company lines, which were at the top of the hill, I paused and looked back at the camp, just coming into full view below me through the grey mist of early morning."