Book :: The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises
By: Ernest Hemingway
Pages: 254
Published: 1926
Genre(s): American
Historical Fiction
Rating: (23)


335 points

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The most popular of Ernest Hemingway’ s books, The Sun Also Rises is an elegant showcase for Hemingway’ s powerful prose, memorable characters, and biting social commentary on love and society post WWI. The New York Times called it “ An absorbing, beautifully and tenderly absurd, heart-breaking narrative…” Following American and British expatriates from the lights of Paris to the bloody...

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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 24th, 2024

Murfville Murfville

Such a simple enjoyable book I felt like I was in Spain at a bill fight

Aug 27th, 2017

Hammer2665 Hammer2665

Jul 28th, 2017

forline forline

one of my favorite Hemingway books

Mar 6th, 2017

red13x red13x

I really struggled with this book, I couldn't wait for it to be over. The characters are difficult to like or dislike, they just "are". Boring but not terrible.

Mar 2nd, 2017

haleymotl haleymotl

Dec 30th, 2016

HalleJoSongbird HalleJoSongbird

A beautifully written book where absolutely nothing happens. It is a character-driven novel, therefore the story is not the main goal, but the characters hardly seem to grow or change throughout. The love story is dry and predictable, and the other shenanigans are not interesting enough to hold attention. It is only the thought-provoking nature of the narrator that makes this book worth reading at all. There are many more interesting classic novels.

Dec 17th, 2016

hauerfarm hauerfarm

Jul 8th, 2016

D-Train D-Train

Meh! A book where nothing much happens except a group of friends getting drunk every day. They go to a bull fight (Hemingway LOVED bull fights!) and there's a bit of a love story as well, but it's pretty boring actually. I much prefer Steinbeck over Hemingway.

Jun 4th, 2016

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 18th, 2015

funkygman007 funkygman007

Mar 11th, 2015

Trappalapp Trappalapp

Feb 5th, 2015

AndrewDWalker AndrewDWalker

Jan 20th, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

acpac2004 acpac2004

Jul 25th, 2014

degreemo degreemo

Jun 23rd, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

May 9th, 2014

Mojo2dmax Mojo2dmax

Feb 19th, 2014

lanigan lanigan

Feb 15th, 2014

ericaleenyu ericaleenyu

Dec 23rd, 2013

Keith Keith

Jul 30th, 2013

jwag5 jwag5

I found this novel exceedingly frustrating. While I understand that the aimless, unmotivated characters are meant as an honest representation of the 1920's Lost Generation, I felt cheated by Hemingway expending his penchant for intriguing prose on a story that really goes nowhere. Instead of the standard Rising Action, Climax, Denouement, this novel bereft of conflict simply flat-lines. I was thoroughly unsatisfied upon completion.

Jun 29th, 2013

elizabetica elizabetica

This is a mesmerizing tale of debauchery, romance and brokenness set in post world war one Europe, centering on the most sought after woman and the man she loves in one of the most tragic love stories in literature. It's deep with metaphors and moments so enchanting it makes one wish they could live them for themselves despite the recklessness and instability of these character's lives. It's undoubtedly Hemingway's masterpiece and you should read it unless you're a recovering alcoholic because this book will make you want to get drunk.

Apr 16th, 2013

The Sun Also Rises appears on these lists...

20th on The 20th Centrury's Greatest Hits by American Book Review

45th on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

18th on Rival 100 Best Novels by Radcliffe

68th on Top 100 Books by Newsweek

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