Book :: The Wanderer

The Wanderer
By: Alain-Fournier
Pages: 208
Published: 1913
Genre(s): France
Magical Realism
Rating: (2)


92 points

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"The sea, the sea, the sea. It rolled and rolled and called to me. Come in, it said, come in." Thirteen-year-old Sophie hears the sea calling, promising adventure and a chance for discovery as she sets sail for England with her three uncles and two cousins. Sophie's cousin Cody isn't sure he has the strength to prove himself to the crew and to his father. Through Sophie's and Cody's travel...

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Jan 5th, 2018

pdizzle pdizzle

only read the penguin translation but still blown away, such a good book - recommended!

Jan 2nd, 2014

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