79 Points
78 Points
77 Points
"The Bald Soprano: Anti-play Scene: A middle class English interior, with English armchairs."
76 Points
"Dans la plaine rase, sous la nuit sans étoiles, d’une obscurité et d’une épaisseur d’encre, un homme suivait seul la grande route de Marchiennes à Montsou, dix kilomètres de pavé coupant tout..."
75 Points
72 Points
"My purpose is to consider if, in political society, there can be any legitimate and sure principle of government, taking men as they are and laws as they might be."
70 Points
70 Points
"Hot, thought the Parisians."
69 Points
65 Points
"Doukipudonktan, se demanda Gabriel excédé. (In English: "Howcanyastinksotho, wondered Gabriel, exasperated.")"