Book :: Zazie dans le Métro

Zazie dans le Métro
By: Raymond Queneau
Pages: 176
Published: 1959
Genre(s): France
Rating: (1)


65 points

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Impish, foul-mouthed Zazie arrives in Paris from the country to stay with Gabriel, her female-impersonator uncle. All she really wants to do is ride the metro, but finding it shut because of a strike, Zazie looks for other means of amusement and is soon caught up in a comic adventure that becomes wilder and more manic by the minute. In 1960 Queneau's cult classic was made into a hugely...

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forline forline

Charming, hilarious, wonderful!!!

May 16th, 2016

Zazie dans le Métro appears on these lists...

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