Book :: Dubliners

By: James Joyce
Pages: 279
Published: 1914
Genre(s): Short Stories
Literary Fiction
Rating: (7)


112 points

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Dec 31st, 2017

bryanoz bryanoz

Apr 1st, 2017

red13x red13x

As a book of many stories, there were bound to be some I liked more than others. A few were a bit boring, some too short leaving me wanting more, others were just right. Not a bad little collection here!

May 30th, 2015

Fede Fede

Apr 25th, 2015

djmuraws djmuraws

Excellent. Would recommend to anyone that likes to think about what they're reading as they read it and appreciates great technique.

Jun 23rd, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

May 9th, 2014

Joyce Beckett Joyce Beckett

Joyce at his best.

Sep 23rd, 2013

Dubliners appears on these lists...

63rd on The 20th Centrury's Greatest Hits by American Book Review

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