Book :: Red Harvest

Red Harvest
By: Dashiell Hammett
Pages: 224
Published: Feb 1st, 1929
Genre(s): Mystery
Rating: (3)


40 points

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Filled with gangsters, cops on the take, and a kingpin desperate to reclaim his territory, Personville teeters on the brink of an all-out gang war. Enter the Continental Op, called in to town by Donald Willsson, who is taken out by a hit before briefing the Op on the case. Pitting faction against faction, and with a target on his own back, the Continental Op must save Personville before his...

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forline forline

just what I needed!

Mar 31st, 2016

Dolphy76 Dolphy76

In a town divided by corrupt factions the Continental Op must play one side against the other to resolve the issues and complete his assignment. Lots of shooting and bloodshed in this one and one of my favorite Dashiell Hammett stories. Akira Kurosawa said it was the inspiration for his movie "Yojimbo" (Toshiro Mifune) which also inspired "Fistful of Dollars" (Clint Eastwood) and "Last Man Standing" (Buce Willis).

Mar 1st, 2014

Hazel8 Hazel8

Very violent book and one of Dashiell Hammett's best.

Oct 1st, 2013

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