Book :: The Riddle of the Sands

The Riddle of the Sands
By: Erskine Childers
Pages: 336
Published: 1903
Genre(s): Mystery
Historical Fiction
Rating: 12345 (2)


64 points

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The First Modern Spy Thriller: The Riddle of the Sands Two sail-boaters are cruising off the coast of Germany on a vacation. To their amazement they discover a German military exercise-a trial-run for the invasion of England. From that starting point we are whisked through a series of mysteries, bluffs, counter-bluffs, and wild nautical maneuvers as our sail-boaters try to learn more and get...

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red13x red13x 12345

I enjoyed this book far more than I thought I would, it was well worth the read.

Mar 8th, 2022

forline forline 12345

I was captivated. Another amazing book I would never have read without this list.

Feb 19th, 2018

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