Book :: The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray
By: Oscar Wilde
Pages: 266
Published: 1891
Genre(s): Horror
Rating: (18)


67 points

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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 25th, 2024

Portia Portia

Jun 18th, 2020

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This is quite an interesting story. Dorian Gray is soon going to become wealthy, and being a handsome man, he agrees to sit for a portrait. What he doesn't know is that the artist helps to feed his vanity, and eventually there is an amazing connection between Dorian and the portrait - to do with his aging or not.

Feb 17th, 2020

forline forline

loved it!

Apr 27th, 2018

kireinekokun kireinekokun

Fantastic read. This is a book that proves the point for me that the book is always better than the movie. The movie adaptations are fantastic from my point of view. The movies while being fantastic do not capture the story.

Feb 13th, 2018

red13x red13x

What a book! I found it hard to put down and ended up reading it in a day! I'm surprised this isn't higher up in the list.

Aug 19th, 2017

Spooky Spooky

I found it humorous how poorly this character is constantly portrayed in other media (movies being the worst offender). I was certainly surprised and, while I enjoyed the book, I felt a little let down that it wasn't darker.

Apr 30th, 2017

lgpduluth lgpduluth

This is my favorite book to date. I have read it four times in the last five years, and I will probably continue rereading it my whole life. This is the most beautiful book I have ever read. Each sentence is gorgeous and that they describe such beautifully jarring material makes it all the better.

Feb 11th, 2017

Fede Fede

Dec 25th, 2015

bryanoz bryanoz

Jul 3rd, 2015


This book surprised me. Very engaging. The downfall of Dorian's character as he falls further and further into sin is particularly interesting.

Jun 1st, 2015

sanayhs sanayhs

Sep 7th, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky

May 26th, 2014

AJ-Today AJ-Today

This is a wild ride. For a classic, it reads like a modern day page turner. I couldn't put it down.

May 14th, 2014

rsmm rsmm

Jan 1st, 2014

_Cosmic_Love__ _Cosmic_Love__

Sep 3rd, 2013

adrianatica adrianatica

May 15th, 2013

TheUberKevlar TheUberKevlar

Amazing! I loved it! This book deserves a lot more attention than it gets. Dorian Gray is such an interesting character (at least to the darker, more foolish side of ourselves). If you don't think so, then you're probably not being honest with yourself.

Feb 15th, 2013

The Picture of Dorian Gray appears on these lists...

34th on 100 Greatest Novels of All Time by The Guardian