Book :: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
By: James Joyce
Pages: 329
Published: 1916
Genre(s): Ireland
Rating: (9)


389 points

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Joyce's classic depiction of Stephen Dedalus's boyhood and coming of age in Ireland at the turn of the century, his childhood, sexual awakening, intellectual development and revolt against Catholicism, remains one of the key works of modern literature.

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Trappalapp Trappalapp

Nov 27th, 2023

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This story was very well performed on Audible in wonderful Irish accents, and captured the mood and emotions of the characters. A young man struggles with his faith and purpose in life, struggling with sin, and yet speaking with his friends in philosophical and thought-provoking conversations.

Oct 14th, 2019

forline forline

This was the one Joyce that I actually found interesting....I force read his other works. I am just not a Joyce fan.

Jan 4th, 2018

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 18th, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

djmuraws djmuraws

Incredible. One of the most memorable and best books in the English language. The depth, richness, technique, and story make it the best I have ever read.

Jun 22nd, 2014

Mojo2dmax Mojo2dmax

Feb 19th, 2014

Turrican Turrican

Such a fantastic book and the perfect introduction to Joyce due to it's brevity. It's been a couple of years since I've read this but it stands out as one of the best books I've ever read. Joyce's "stream of consciousness" style is used throughout which I find makes the reader engage with the text more than with a linear narrative washing over them. I would say that the characters and events themselves are not memorable as a "story" but its the language of the text and ideas discussed which make this such a rivetting and memorable read. I will certainly read more Joyce in the future on the strength of this book.

Dec 13th, 2013

red13x red13x

This book is okay but fairly easy to forget afterwards. It certainly is not one I would pick up again or recommend to anyone.

Nov 6th, 2013

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