Book :: Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
By: Haruki Murakami
Pages: 400
Published: 1985
Genre(s): Fantasy
Science Fiction
Rating: 12345 (5)


50 points

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Japan's most widely-read and controversial writer, author of A Wild Sheep Chase, hurtles into the consciousness of the West with this narrative about a split-brained data processor, a deranged scientist, his shockingly undemure granddaughter, and various thugs, librarians, and subterranean monsters--not to mention Bob Dylan and Lauren Bacall. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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Portia Portia 12345

Dec 6th, 2018

forline forline 12345

Delightful!!! Took a long time to get into and then couldn’t put it down until I’d fInished!

Oct 19th, 2018

sanayhs sanayhs 12345

Dec 13th, 2015

bryanoz bryanoz 12345

Jun 27th, 2015

EternalWalkabout EternalWalkabout 12345

Oct 28th, 2013

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