Book :: Rubyfruit Jungle

Rubyfruit Jungle
By: Rita Mae Brown
Pages: 246
Published: 1973
Genre(s): Queer
Rating: 12345 (2)


10 points

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Rubyfruit Jungle is the first milestone novel in the extraordinary career of one of this country's most distinctive writers. Bawdy and moving, the ultimate word-of-mouth bestseller, Rubyfruit Jungle is about growing up a lesbian in America – and living happily ever after. Born a bastard, Molly Bolt is adopted by a dirt-poor Southern couple who want something better for their daughter. Molly...

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forline forline 12345

I read this in the 70s and should reread! Loved this!

Apr 5th, 2018

Specho Specho 12345

Decent, but the characterization of the protagonist feels ham-fisted. Sure, it was probably a shocker when released and deals with something, not quite mainstream even today, but technically doesn't carry the same weight; the writing somehow feels uninspired.

Apr 21st, 2015

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