Book :: Stranger in a Strange Land

Stranger in a Strange Land
By: Robert A. Heinlein
Pages: 528
Published: 1961
Genre(s): Science Fiction
Rating: (7)


87 points

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Here at last is the complete, uncut version of Heinlein's all-time masterpiece, the brilliant novel that grew from a cult favorite to a bestseller to a classic in a few short years. It is the story of Valentine Michael Smith, the man from Mars who taught humankind grokking and water-sharing. And love.

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Portia Portia

Oct 7th, 2019

forline forline

I read this in 1972 and it turned me on to reading!!! Still love it and Heinlein....made a lifelong reader!

Jan 5th, 2018

bryanoz bryanoz

Jul 3rd, 2015

dkbunnell dkbunnell

Robert Heinlein is one of my favorite authors and this book is my all time favorite. This is a brilliant story that I totally grokked.

Feb 25th, 2015

bdubransky bdubransky

Dec 31st, 2014

acpac2004 acpac2004

Jul 25th, 2014

mperry2743 mperry2743

Interesting read. I read it in college and reread it 30 years later, enjoying and understanding it both times but appreciating it from different perspectives.

Dec 17th, 2013

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