Book :: The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales
By: Geoffrey Chaucer
Pages: 504
Published: 1380
Genre(s): Poetry
Short Stories
Rating: (11)


90 points

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Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This book consists of 106 chapters, which I hadn't listened to on - and it was very well performed. Each chapter has a prologue and then launches into someone's story - such as the nun's priest, the cook, the knight, and so on. A few chapters were - in my opinion - vulgar, many were crude in speech, and most were quite interesting. The amazing thing about this very long story is that it was completely told in rhyme - and good rhyme.

Apr 12th, 2020

bryanoz bryanoz

Oct 23rd, 2018

forline forline

10th grade English and I loved every minute!!!!!

Jan 5th, 2018

red13x red13x

I really didn't think I was going to like this book so I put off reading it for ages. Some of the tales were boring and I found myself drifting off, but some were surprisingly funny and/or just good little stories!

Mar 29th, 2017

laros76 laros76

Jun 18th, 2015

jwk jwk

Mar 29th, 2015

acpac2004 acpac2004

Jul 25th, 2014

djmuraws djmuraws

Only interesting or worthwhile for its historical value. Skip it as literature.

Jun 22nd, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky

May 26th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

A lot of fun

May 9th, 2014

Dec 4th, 2013

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11th on Top 100 Books by Newsweek