Book :: 2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey
By: Arthur C. Clarke
Pages: 297
Published: 1968
Genre(s): Science Fiction
Rating: 12345 (6)


53 points

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red13x red13x 12345

I really enjoyed this! Very thought provoking and a little bit scary at times if you let your imagination get away from you.

Dec 17th, 2021

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn 12345

Wow! This story certainly makes one think! For anyone who enjoys science fiction - and that which borders on the realm of possibility - this is quite a read. It begins with cavemen, then the reader is taken on an adventure. After an amazing discovery is unearthed on the moon, an expedition is planned. On route to Saturn, seven occupants of a space probe, plus the AI that controls the ship, meet with trouble and sabotage. One man experiences what would not have been imagined or prepared for by those in charge of the space program on Earth.

Mar 13th, 2021

forline forline 12345

finally read this in!

Mar 24th, 2018

Hammer2665 Hammer2665 12345

Jul 14th, 2017

acpac2004 acpac2004 12345

Jul 25th, 2014

mperry2743 mperry2743 12345

Dec 17th, 2013

2001: A Space Odyssey appears on these lists...

87th on Books of the Century by Waterstone

62nd on 100 Books of the Past Century by Koen Books