Book :: Mort

By: Terry Pratchett
Pages: 272
Published: 1987
Genre(s): Fantasy
Rating: (7)


36 points

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Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort, he offered him a job. Henceforth, Death is no longer going to be the end, merely the means to an end. It's an offer Mort can't refuse. As Death's apprentice he'll have free board, use of the company horse - and being dead isn't compulsory. It's a dream job - until he discovers that it can be a killer on his love life...

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Jan 21st, 2015

rogercavanagh rogercavanagh

I'm biased when it comes to Terry Pratchett. His books are so full of invention, humour and wit that I find it difficult to comprehend when someone doesn't like them. There are now some 40 or so Discworld books. This is no. 4 in the series. You don't have to read them in order, but if you do become addicted it will help as the backstory for each character builds. The books are constant source of delight that I have read and reread. They will give more pleasure than many of the 453 books ahead of Mort in this list.

Jan 13th, 2014

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