Book :: The Thornbirds

The Thornbirds
By: Colleen McCullough
Pages: 692
Published: Oct 1st, 1977
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Chick Lit
Rating: (2)


52 points

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Now, 25 years after it first took the world by storm, Colleen McCullough's sweeping family saga of dreams, titanic struggles, dark passions, and forbidden love in the Australian Outback returns to enthrall a new generation. As powerful, moving, and unforgettable as when it originally appeared, it remains a monumental literary achievement—a landmark novel to be read . . . and read again!

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forline forline

read it when it first came out! Sweeping! Grand!

Mar 24th, 2018

dkbunnell dkbunnell

I'm not a romance reader, but I couldn't put this book down. It was beautifully written in a way that captures your heart and moves you powerfully.

Feb 25th, 2015

The Thornbirds appears on these lists...

64th on The Big Read by BBC

86th on 100 Books of the Past Century by Koen Books