By: | J. K. Rowling |
Pages: | 341 |
Published: | Jul 2nd, 1998 |
Genre(s): | Fantasy |
Young Adult | |
Magic | |
Rating: | (27) |
78 points
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In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the summer after Harry’s first year at Hogwarts has been his worst summer ever... the Dursleys more distant and horrible than ever before. But just as he’s packing his bags to return to school, a creature named Dobby the house-elf announces that if Harry goes back to Hogwarts, disaster will strike. And it turns out, Dobby is right. Harry and Ron miss...
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Now, this is the one I dislike the most. I do like it, it is just my fear of snakes get the better of me. But the books spins and exciting turns highlight an important and fascinating sequel to the first. Read them all.
Jul 3rd, 2013
A fantastic sequel, this novel lays excellent groundwork for the series. Rowling begins to dive deeper into Voldemort's history and expands on his and many others characters. Sets up the future of the series nicely.
Jun 7th, 2013
An excellent followup to the first novel. Rowling combines mystery and flecks of horror with fantasy and coming of age comedy to create a scintillating cacophony of pleasure and joy.
Mar 22nd, 2013
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets appears on these lists...
23rd on The Big Read by BBC