Book :: Disgrace

By: J. M. Coetzee
Pages: 220
Published: 1999
Genre(s): Africa
Literary Fiction
Award(s): Man Booker Prize (1999)
Nobel Prize in Literature (2003)
Rating: (7)


193 points

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David Lurie, a middle-aged divorcee lecturing at the Technical University of Cape Town, has an impulsive affair with a student. When the passion sours and he is denounced, he resigns and retreats to his daughter Lucy's isolated smallholding. For a time, he finds calm in the routine of farm life, but the balance of power in the country is shifting. When he and Lucy become victims of a savage and...

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Tejas Nair Tejas Nair

Disgrace falls just short of being one my favourite books of all time. Why? Because it tends to get too philosophical towards the end even sampling Byron (on whom I wrote my MA essay back in 2017) and ending with a whimper as do certain books do to leave things to the reader's imagination and analysis. But J M Coetzee is a newfound author that I would be reading more of because his lyrical language, extraordinary vocabulary, and the ability to describe things like he does is unmatched. Disgrace will require a reread. TN.

Apr 7th, 2020

forline forline

common story with unexpected twist. enjoyed this and it's continued to "haunt" me

Jan 4th, 2018

sanayhs sanayhs

Sep 4th, 2015

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 25th, 2015

red13x red13x

I actually quite liked this book! It started off very much like I expected it would for one about a guy who has been disgraced, but towards the middle it took a far different turn from what I was expecting. It ended a little abruptly, I felt it could have done with more, but then at the same time it was a good time to end too! Worth a read.

Feb 17th, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

aola aola

Jul 21st, 2013

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