Book :: My Name is Red

My Name is Red
By: Orhan Pamuk
Pages: 417
Published: 1998
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Award(s): Nobel Prize in Literature (2006)
Rating: 12345 (2)


90 points

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At once a fiendishly devious mystery, a beguiling love story, and a brilliant symposium on the power of art, My Name Is Red is a transporting tale set amid the splendor and religious intrigue of sixteenth-century Istanbul, from one of the most prominent contemporary Turkish writers. The Sultan has commissioned a cadre of the most acclaimed artists in the land to create a great book celebrating...

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forline forline 12345

Interesting--not at all what I expected. Stories within stories. Lyrical writing!

Jun 19th, 2018

sanayhs sanayhs 12345

Dec 9th, 2016

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