Book :: All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front
By: Erich Maria Remarque
Pages: 296
Published: 1928
Genre(s): War
Rating: (10)


55 points

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Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This story is amazing. Painful in places because of the nature of the story, it is so real, visual, tragic, and gives the reader an inside view of war. This is a classic I read in little time because it was so hard to set down. It's about some young German men who are friends right out of school, and who enlist together, are assigned together and enter WWI together. The reader is taken through the war's horrors with them, and is permitted into their personal thoughts and perspectives of a war they were eager to participate in but grew to hate. It seemed to them pointless to be out there killing other young men they didn't even know, and who likely didn't want to be there shooting at each other anymore than they did.

Oct 16th, 2019

red13x red13x

A really good insight into German life in the trenches in WW1.

Sep 11th, 2018

bryanoz bryanoz

Jan 7th, 2018

lgpduluth lgpduluth

I am no war buff. History is my favorite subject–– but accounts of actual war tend to bore me and I prefer researching the causes, etc. This is how I have always felt. My father insisted I read this book when I was in my early teens and I absolutely loved it. I read it again as a senior for a research paper on WWI and fell even more in love. So much of the novel smacks you in the face, it is so gripping, so real. I really believe everyone should read this to at least get an idea of what the sentiment was towards the first world war.

Feb 11th, 2017

bdubransky bdubransky

Feb 26th, 2016

forline forline

This was amazing cover to cover. War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!!!

Nov 14th, 2015

Tim35 Tim35

One of the best novels ever to describe the horrors of war.

Jul 17th, 2014


Nov 17th, 2013

skhamilt skhamilt

I hate war novels.... not this one.

Aug 11th, 2013

All Quiet on the Western Front appears on these lists...

73rd on 100 Novels Everyone Should Read by Telegraph

74th on Books of the Century by Waterstone