Book :: The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner
By: Khaled Hosseini
Pages: 371
Published: 2003
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Rating: (12)


64 points

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“I sat on a bench near a willow tree and watched a pair of kites soaring in the sky. I thought about something Rahim Khan said just before he hung up, almost as an afterthought, ‘There is a way to be good again.’” Now in paperback, one of the year’s international literary sensations -- a shattering story of betrayal and redemption set in war-torn Afghanistan. Amir and Hassan are childhood...

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forline forline

couldn't stop reading! LOVED it until the end...hated the end...was it really necessary. There are only a handful of books that have made me as angry!

Mar 23rd, 2018

shusil123 shusil123

First piece of literature I've read and I'm glad I read this. Brutal story, showing what it was like to live in Afganishtan in the Taliban era and a glimpse of redemption at last. Wonderful!!

Sep 20th, 2017

lgpduluth lgpduluth

Really well written, I think it is an important book to read–– especially among millennial. A brutal story, but beautiful in other ways.

Feb 11th, 2017

InfuriatinglyRed InfuriatinglyRed

Jun 2nd, 2016

bryanoz bryanoz

Aug 4th, 2015

jwk jwk

May 2nd, 2015

crashman2 crashman2

Brutally honest. A haunted past is seemlessly sewn into a troubled future. A painfully somber look at consequences and their effect on people.

Jan 23rd, 2015

bdubransky bdubransky

May 26th, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky

May 26th, 2014

wanddnaw wanddnaw

Mar 28th, 2013

samaelro samaelro

Feb 15th, 2013

Jojoelliott Jojoelliott

Feb 14th, 2013

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37th on Books You Can't Live Without by The Guardian