Book :: The Periodic Table

The Periodic Table
By: Primo Levi
Pages: 240
Published: 1975
Genre(s): Science
Short Stories
Rating: (3)


12 points

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In these haunting reflections, Primo Levi, a chemist by training takes the elements of the periodic table as his inspiration. He ranges from young love to political savagery; 'Iron' honours the mountain-climbing resistance hero who put iron in Levi's student soul, while 'Cerium' recalls the improvised cigarette lighters which saved his life in Auschwitz.

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forline forline

Brilliant—waited for this until my daughter started chemistry!

Nov 18th, 2018

Trappalapp Trappalapp

Jan 26th, 2015

vainglorious vainglorious

Tales of an itinerant chemist. The book that almost made me switch to a science degree.

Nov 9th, 2013

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