Book :: Nightmare Abbey

Nightmare Abbey
By: Thomas Love Peacock
Pages: 248
Genre(s): Gothic
Rating: (4)


90 points

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forline forline

I like Edgar Allan Poe more.

Jan 5th, 2018

red13x red13x

I found this somewhat regular. I enjoyed the prose most of the time but I found the extended speech sections a bit boring. Overall not bad though!

Apr 2nd, 2016

Caro60 Caro60

An interesting read and very much a product of its time. This is probably the challenge in that it possibly requires a greater knowledge of those times than I possessed to appreciate some of the humour in its carictatures. Yet despite this, there are moments of genuine laughter.

Oct 5th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

Sep 7th, 2014

Nightmare Abbey appears on these lists...

11th on 100 Greatest Novels of All Time by The Guardian