Book :: The Big Sleep

The Big Sleep
By: Raymond Chandler
Pages: 231
Published: 1939
Genre(s): Mystery
Rating: (7)


152 points

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The Big Sleep introduces one of the finest crime detectives in literary history, Philip Marlowe. Called to the home of dying millionaire General Sternwood to investigate the blackmailing of Sternwood’ s daughter, Marlowe quickly finds there is more to the story than just blackmail. The Big Sleep has been adapted twice onto the big screen (1946 and 1978) and was included in “ TIME’ s List of the...

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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 25th, 2024

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a great story with a beautiful use of the written language, and drama to keep the story moving and the reader's attention captured.

Oct 14th, 2019

forline forline

ah, noir!!! So much fun!!

Jan 5th, 2018

bryanoz bryanoz

Dec 11th, 2015

red13x red13x

I really liked this book, it kept me guessing most of the way through!

Jul 4th, 2015

willoyd willoyd

Dec 30th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

May 9th, 2014

The Big Sleep appears on these lists...

96th on 100 Books of the Century by Le Monde

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