Book :: The Origins of Totalitarianism

The Origins of Totalitarianism
By: Hannah Arendt
Pages: 527
Published: 1951
Genre(s): Philosophy
Rating: (2)


8 points

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Explores the roots of totalitarianism and its culmination in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia

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forline forline

This is not a genre I usually like---but I was fascinated and pretty much read this in one long sitting. Too many parallels to current time for me not to be fascinated!

Feb 20th, 2018


Alright so I struggled through this for a history unit, it's certainly not a light read. There are some critics that point out that Arendt conflates Nazism and Stalinism without much of an explanation and her use of Communist sources isn't exactly unbiased. I'd have to agree. However there's a reason Arendt is so widely respected and she has some very important insights to offer, which are still relevant for our world today (especially with the rise of the extreme right in Europe).

Jun 1st, 2015

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