Book :: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
By: Agatha Christie
Pages: 288
Published: 1926
Genre(s): Mystery
Rating: (4)


52 points

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Agatha Christie's ginius for detective fiction is unparalleled. Her worldwide popularity is phenomenal, her characters engaging, her plots spellbinding. No one knows the human heart—or the dark passions that can stop it—better than Agatha Christie. She is truly the one and only Queen of Crime. The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd Village rumor hints that Mrs. Ferrars poisoned her husband, but no one is...

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forline forline

I loved reading Dame Christie's entire oeuvre!

Dec 31st, 2017

willoyd willoyd

Dec 30th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

Jun 8th, 2014

SusCallHutch SusCallHutch

I am not surprised that this book is on a list of "best" books. It set the bar in the English country-side mystery genre, and has probably inspired more writers to think, "Ooh! I want to create that kind of effect with my writing!" than any other single murder mystery. After I finished this book for the first time, I immediately began it again, and read it straight through, for the sheer pleasure of seeing how Mrs. Christie had managed it. In the fifty years since then, I've returned to it, and many more of her books, several times. Even when I remember "who done it," I relish how Agatha "done it."

Aug 4th, 2013

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd appears on these lists...

49th on 100 Books of the Century by Le Monde