Book :: Tristes Tropiques

Tristes Tropiques
By: Claude Lévi-Strauss
Pages: 417
Published: 1955
Genre(s): Anthropology
Rating: (1)


81 points

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A milestone in the study of culture from the father of structural anthropology. This watershed work records Claude Lévi-Strauss's search for "a human society reduced to its most basic expression." From the Amazon basin through the dense upland jungles of Brazil, Lévi-Strauss found the societies he was seeking among the Caduveo, Bororo, Nambikwara, and Tupi-Kawahib. More than merely recounting...

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forline forline

I'm slowly working through in French what was a great read in English. It helps that I've spent time in Brazil--and that my interests dovetail with what's covered in this travelogue/teaching/textbook treatise! This is not a work I would recommend for pleasure reading!! But if you want to wander cultures and territory and discover brilliant insights along the way....this is the masterpiece.

Feb 1st, 2019

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