Book :: Alcools

By: Guillaume Apollinaire
Pages: 185
Genre(s): Poetry
Rating: (1)


84 points

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Guiilaume Apollinaire, a leading figure amongst the young writers and artists in France until his death in 1918, published 'Alcools', his first book of poems, in 1913. With its wide range of verse forms and contrasting registers of style, 'Alcools' had a considerable influence on Surrealist poetry. The poems provide a splendid example of the lyrical art in which the paradoxes of Apollinaire are...

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forline forline

the best part of this read was that I picked it up after reading a biography of Collette and was fascinated to read this as the two were contemporaries....I read about him and then I read him....

Jan 5th, 2018

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