Book :: The Second Sex

The Second Sex
By: Simone de Beauvoir
Pages: 746
Published: 1952
Genre(s): Feminism
Rating: 12345 (4)


90 points

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Newly translated and unabridged in English for the first time, and brilliantly introduced by Judith Thurman, Simone de Beauvoir’s masterpiece weaves together history, philosophy, economics, biology, and a host of other disciplines to analyze the Western notion of “woman” and to explore the power of sexuality. Sixty years after its initial publication, The Second Sex is still as eye-opening and...

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red13x red13x 12345

A very interesting read!

Sep 20th, 2021

forline forline 12345

I wish I'd read this in my teens/twenties....but then I wouldn't have read all the books she references....several "aha" moments...

Jun 23rd, 2020

Roo Roo 12345

Jun 30th, 2015

Jane Jane 12345

One of the only books that changed my life...or at least my opinions when I read it.

Nov 18th, 2013

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