Book :: Sophie's Choice

Sophie's Choice
By: William Styron
Pages: 562
Published: 1979
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Award(s): National Book Award (1980)
Rating: 12345 (1)


118 points

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“Styron’s most impressive performance. . . . Belongs on that small shelf reserved for American masterpieces.” —Washington Post Book World Winner of the 1980 National Book Award, Sophie’s Choice is William Styron’s classic novel of love, survival, and regret, set in Brooklyn in the wake of the Second World War. The novel centers on three characters: Stingo, a sexually frustrated aspiring...

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forline forline 12345

I was underwhelmed. Had put off reading this for some reason and didn't see the movie. Should have been Sophie's Choices. Maybe I missed something??

Jan 5th, 2018

Sophie's Choice appears on these lists...

96th on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

57th on Rival 100 Best Novels by Radcliffe

82nd on 100 Books of the Century by Le Monde