Book :: Under the Net

Under the Net
By: Iris Murdoch
Pages: 253
Published: 1954
Genre(s): England
Literary Fiction
Rating: (2)


17 points

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Iris Murdoch's first novel is set in a part of London where struggling writers rub shoulders with successful bookies, and film starlets with frantic philosophers. Its hero, Jake Donaghue, is a drifting, clever, likeable young man who makes a living out of translation work and sponging on his friends. A meeting with Anna, an old flame, leads him into a series of fantastic adventures. Jake is...

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red13x red13x

Didn't love it, didn't hate it! Amusing enough though...

Mar 17th, 2021

forline forline of these that I know is supposed to be great...but I just didn't like Jake at all....ugh

Feb 20th, 2018

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