Book :: The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild
By: Jack London
Pages: 218
Published: 1903
Genre(s): Young Adult
Rating: (20)


203 points

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The adventures of an unusual dog, part St. Bernard, part Scotch shepherd, that is forcibly taken to the Klondike gold fields where he eventually becomes the leader of a wolf pack.

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Tipperj Tipperj

Sep 25th, 2024

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This is an adventure-packed story of a gold prospector and his tough sled dog in the northern wilderness of Canada.

Mar 4th, 2020

forline forline

Refused to read this when I should have thinking this was not my cup of wrong I was and how wonderful to have such a treat now.

Dec 31st, 2017

Murfville Murfville

Aug 27th, 2017

Spooky Spooky

Apr 30th, 2017

bryanoz bryanoz

Jul 22nd, 2015

Tejas Nair Tejas Nair

It was not much of a pleasant read that consisted mostly of dogfights. Since I am not much of an animal person, only the survivalism appealed to me. London's classic is although the pioneering tale which concludes with the saying "Kill or be killed!"

Dec 31st, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky

Dec 31st, 2014

red13x red13x

I'm not sure why but I wasn't really looking forward to reading this, I guess the subject didn't really seem like my sort of thing. I was pleasantly surprised though, I really liked it and found myself nearly finishing it in one sitting!

Dec 22nd, 2014

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014


Oct 9th, 2014

Caro60 Caro60

There is someting chilling in this story of the stolen dog who is sold into a state of 'slavery' and his transformation from southlander dog to leader of the pack. There is an obvious element of survival of the fittest in this story but sometimes the attribution of human like thought processes to Buck is a little unbelievable. Still a good read but hard at times for a dog lover to take.

Oct 6th, 2014

acpac2004 acpac2004

Jul 25th, 2014

Tim35 Tim35

I read this book and I thought that this was White Fang but goes from domestication to the wild.

Jul 15th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

May 15th, 2014

AJ-Today AJ-Today

In my opinion, this book is not worth all the hype it has enjoyed for decades. I liked it, but definitely didn't love it. I am a woman and maybe this is more of a man's book? I find Jack London's style way too repetitive and boring.

May 14th, 2014

kum kum

Mar 2nd, 2014


White Fang was better.

Dec 23rd, 2013

Cynara92 Cynara92

I simply adore Jack London's writing style. Call of the wild is one of my favorite books....if you've read this you should also read his book "White Fang".....which in my opinion is even better than this one....

Sep 19th, 2013

jdbosel jdbosel

In Jack London's classic tale of the Alaskan wilderness, a sled dog, Buck, is forced to question his nature and decide if he is meant to pull a sledge across the barren Alaskan landscape or break free and live amongst the wolves. This story is relatively short, so I won't really go into detail, but I will say that London's atmospheric storytelling and visceral descriptions of events create a fantastic journey into a stark environment and desolate landscape that few of us will ever really see or experience.

Feb 15th, 2013

The Call of the Wild appears on these lists...

88th on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

33rd on Rival 100 Best Novels by Radcliffe

38th on 100 Greatest Novels of All Time by The Guardian

42nd on 100 Books of the Past Century by Koen Books