Book :: The Adventures of Augie March

The Adventures of Augie March
By: Saul Bellow
Pages: 586
Published: 1953
Genre(s): American
Historical Fiction
Award(s): Nobel Prize in Literature (1976)
National Book Award (1954)
Rating: (1)


120 points

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Augie March is a poor Chicago boy growing up during the Great Depression. A 'born recruit', he latches on to a wild succession of occupations, then proudly rejects each one as too limiting. Not until he tangles with the glamorous Thea, a huntress with a trained eagle, is his independence seriously threatened. He goes on to recruit himself to even more outlandish projects, but always ducks out...

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slow start and then it grabs you and doesn't let go!

Nov 22nd, 2017

The Adventures of Augie March appears on these lists...

81st on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library