Book :: The Alexandria Quartet

The Alexandria Quartet
By: Lawrence Durrell
Pages: 884
Published: 1962
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Rating: 12345 (2)


39 points

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Lawrence Durrell’s complete Alexandria Quartet—a story of passion and betrayal that stands as one of the most acclaimed and beloved works of twentieth-century fiction The Alexandria Quartetis a striking and sensuous masterpiece, breathing vivid life into each of its unforgettable characters and the dusty Mediterranean city in which they live. Set in Alexandria, Egypt, in the years before,...

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forline forline 12345

melodramatic; interesting but overwrought

Apr 9th, 2018

willoyd willoyd 12345

Dec 30th, 2014

The Alexandria Quartet appears on these lists...

70th on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library

93rd on Books of the Century by Waterstone