Book :: From Here to Eternity

From Here to Eternity
By: James Jones
Pages: 816
Published: 1951
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Award(s): National Book Award (1952)
Rating: (2)


89 points

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THE COMPLETE UNCENSORED EDITION • THE WORLD WAR II MASTERPIECE AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE READ • WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD Diamond Head, Hawaii, 1941. Pvt. Robert E. Lee Prewitt is a champion welterweight and a fine bugler. But when he refuses to join the company's boxing team, he gets “the treatment” that may break him or kill him. First Sgt. Milton Anthony Warden knows how to soldier...

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forline forline

Put this off because of the length....then wow! Really enjoyed the army social anthropology!

Nov 22nd, 2017

red13x red13x

My first impression on picking up this book was "this book is massive". My second impression on reading the blurb on the back was "oh no, a massive book all about war...!" I dived into it anyway and found it difficult to put down, it is brilliant! It isn't just a story about war, it follows a few key characters who are stationed at US Army barracks before Pearl Harbour and basically follows their lives until just after the war starts. This book was so much better than I thought it was going to be, I seriously recommend giving it a go.

Jun 12th, 2014

From Here to Eternity appears on these lists...

62nd on 100 Best Novels by Modern Library