Book :: Going native

Going native
By: Stephen Wright
Pages: 320
Genre(s): Contemporary
Rating: (3)


88 points

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Since the 1800's, many European Americans have relied on Native Americans as models for their own national, racial, and gender identities. Displays of this impulse include world's fairs, fraternal organizations, and films such as Dances with Wolves...

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red13x red13x

I really struggled to like this book, albeit there were some good bits. Once put down it was not easy to pick up again to finish.

Jul 27th, 2021

forline forline

wrong description above. I certainly liked this more than On the Road....less narcissistic, hedonistic and more scarred human psyche.

May 6th, 2019

Alishagreen08 Alishagreen08

Apr 22nd, 2013

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