Book :: All the King's Men

All the King's Men
By: Robert Penn Warren
Pages: 438
Published: 1946
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Award(s): Pulitzer Prize (1947)
Rating: (5)


207 points

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Restored and reintroduced by literary scholar Noel Polk, a new edition of one of the most famous works in the history of American fiction tells the story of Willie Stark, whose obsession with political power leads to the ultimate corruption of his gubernatorial administration. Reprint. 35,000 first printing.

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Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This is an enjoyable story and very well narrated and performed on Audible. We get to follow the lives of a journalist and the people he meets from his childhood and in the town where he is sent to do a story.

Oct 14th, 2019

forline forline

Truly wasn't interested in reading this---but it was on the list--and what a very pleasant surprise! I loved it!

Dec 31st, 2017

bryanoz bryanoz

Jul 25th, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

Caro60 Caro60

How do you judge a man who blackmails his political rivals to achieve better outcomes for the less well off in his constituency? This novel brings into doubt the adage that the ends justifies the means. Jack Burden rarely questions his own actions even when they involve digging up the dirt on a long-time family friend. I was left with the feeling that many of the characters were morally bankrupt and that the more they were involved in the machinations of politics the less they saw the consequences of their actions. And in this novel there are definitely consequences.

Sep 16th, 2014

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