Book :: Les Misérables

Les Misérables
By: Victor Hugo
Pages: 1463
Published: 1862
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Rating: (19)


81 points

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Ninett Ninett

May 5th, 2019

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

A story of hardship, sacrifice, and harsh reality of class division - including during the time of the French Revolution. Centers around one man, but with many sidelines and long detours.

Jan 21st, 2019

forline forline

read, re-read, and read again!

Nov 13th, 2017

Aaron Sztrakoniczky Aaron Sztrakoniczky

A masterpiece which confronts humans to good and evil.

Jun 1st, 2016

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 9th, 2015

funkygman007 funkygman007

Mar 11th, 2015

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

Anca Anca

Nov 27th, 2014

Caro60 Caro60

This is a sprawling novel in which we are confronted with concerns about good and evil and reward and punishment. At times Hugo's sidetracks into discussions of issues that add nothing to the plot of novel are a little disconcerting as is the level of coincidence that brings the central characters into contact with each other at key points of the story. Overall though a gripping read.

Nov 18th, 2014

SueGoddess SueGoddess

I've read this three times over the years and each time it captures me again.

Jul 6th, 2014

abq22 abq22

Feb 27th, 2014

Turrican Turrican

This is the worst book I've ever read in my life. Incessantly boring, Indescribably nonsensical, ridiculously unrealistic. There seem to be about three characters in the entire book who just repeatedly meet up with each other again and again through strained and inconceivable plot conceits. Utterly awful - I had to force myself phycially and mentally to make it to the end. Perhaps the age of the book and the fact it's a translated work does not flatter the impact the text originally had but, ultimately, it's just bad. (edit: 50 Shades of Grey was worse but this is second)

Dec 13th, 2013

suestaurus suestaurus

Dec 7th, 2013

nexin nexin

Génial; à lire absolument.

Sep 17th, 2013

Louise93 Louise93

Aug 23rd, 2013

mariamitica mariamitica

Aug 20th, 2013

Sarahmarie Sarahmarie

The original, unabridged edition deserves to be much more highly rated than it is. Through Victor Hugo's historical and philosophical digressions the reader obtains a definite feel for life in France in the early to mid 19th century. Similarly, the central character --- Jean Valjean --- is shown to be a very complex person who deserved far better out of life. The 1885 English translation of the five volume original available for free download (as an HTML file) through Project Gutenberg is highly recommended.

Jun 1st, 2013

VRBoyle VRBoyle

Such a beautiful story.

Mar 29th, 2013

rconawa rconawa

One of the best books ever written. You have to read it to know why.

Mar 25th, 2013

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