Book :: Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin
By: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Pages: 438
Published: Mar 20th, 1852
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
African American
Rating: (6)


12 points

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Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This was a book I found difficult to read because of the cruel injustices described. It was mostly easy to follow, despite the old style of speaking and phrasing, and the story was very interesting. I cared about the characters. Being a Canadian I am glad of the fact that many slaves found their freedom here.

Jan 21st, 2019

forline forline

high school required reading....stays with me 40 years later!

Feb 20th, 2018

minhthuann minhthuann

Apr 5th, 2016

bryanoz bryanoz

Jul 21st, 2015

notathreatinsight notathreatinsight

Dec 30th, 2014

AJ-Today AJ-Today

All I can say is this book is POWERFUL. Talk about an eye-opener. Slavery and Christianity co-existing. This should be required reading for ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.

May 14th, 2014

Uncle Tom's Cabin appears on these lists...

89th on The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Bert