Book :: My Ántonia

My Ántonia
By: Willa Cather
Pages: 232
Published: 1918
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Adult Fiction
Rating: (9)


159 points

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Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

This is almost a memoir written about some of the immigrants who came over to Canada or the United States to make a better life for themselves and their families. It was harder than they expected, some being tricked into buying property worth far less than they'd paid. The main characters are a boy from one family and a non-English speaking girl from another family. The hardships, sorrows, struggles, touches of joy make it all very interesting.

May 7th, 2020

forline forline

One of my all time all Cather immediately after

Nov 10th, 2015

bryanoz bryanoz

Jul 1st, 2015

laros76 laros76

Jun 18th, 2015

notathreatinsight notathreatinsight

Dec 30th, 2014

red13x red13x

Whilst I did enjoy this 3rd book in the trilogy, I much preferred the first. This is a sweet story which makes you realise how hard life was for some people back in the day.

Dec 20th, 2014

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

Caro60 Caro60

My Antonia introduced me to a world of which I had been previously unaware - the life of the immigrant farmer in the new territories of America. The harshness of this life contrasts with the gentleness of many of the main characters making this a poignant story. I found it a charming book to read despite some moments of sadness.

Oct 15th, 2014

lanigan lanigan

Feb 15th, 2014

My Ántonia appears on these lists...

59th on The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Bert

51st on Rival 100 Best Novels by Radcliffe

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