Book :: Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair
By: William Makepeace Thackeray
Pages: 867
Published: 1847
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Rating: 12345 (8)


181 points

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forline forline 12345

Dec 31st, 2017

hauerfarm hauerfarm 12345

Jul 8th, 2016

bryanoz bryanoz 12345

Jun 30th, 2015

Caro60 Caro60 12345

There is something about the way in which Thackeray manages to satirse the pretensions of so many members of Vanity Fair which makes this book irresistable to me. Whether is the social climbing Becky, the indian nabob Jos, the pretensious George Osborne, of the various Lords and Ladies and merchants and their wives and children - none are safe for having the vacuity of their aspirations and the shallowness of their relationships with others exposed. A wonderful read.

Jan 14th, 2015

willoyd willoyd 12345

Dec 30th, 2014

jwk jwk 12345

Dec 12th, 2014

abq22 abq22 12345

Sep 25th, 2014

aola aola 12345

Jul 21st, 2013

Vanity Fair appears on these lists...

24th on The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Bert

19th on 100 Greatest Novels of All Time by The Guardian

79th on Books You Can't Live Without by The Guardian