Book :: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
By: Mark Twain
Pages: 368
Published: 1884
Genre(s): Young Adult
Historical Fiction
Rating: (28)


263 points

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Trappalapp Trappalapp

May 13th, 2022

red13x red13x

Not too bad, once you get used to the language and style of writing (I haven't read Tom Sawyer). The last few chapters really spoilt the overall book though (no spoilers), it became a bit too ridiculous for me.

Dec 6th, 2021

Polilla-Lynn Polilla-Lynn

After having read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and getting through the negative language and attitudes (slavery included), I thought this book would be similar - but it was even worse. The story itself was entertaining, but the language and culture of the time was disturbing. Huck Finn is a free spirit, wanting to live life his own way, and he gets into all kinds of trouble. When he discovers a runaway slave he chooses to help him escape, but the terminologies and view of possessing "lesser people" were appalling to me. It made me quite uncomfortable and I kept hoping it would improve, but no chance. I would not recommend this book to young readers - without someone able to explain the prejudices of the time that are not acceptable now - and maybe not to anyone who would be offended or influenced by it.

Apr 14th, 2020

forline forline

Jan 4th, 2018

Murfville Murfville

Aug 27th, 2017

Hammer2665 Hammer2665

Aug 18th, 2016

minhthuann minhthuann

Reading this always makes me feel happy ! Fun experience, almost like Tom Sawyer.

Apr 5th, 2016

bryanoz bryanoz

Jun 23rd, 2015

HimePanic HimePanic

This book was interesting in it's episodic style. It truly is the adventures of Huck Finn. He just goes from stop to stop having adventure after adventure. Good book, but not something I would read again.

Mar 10th, 2015

dkbunnell dkbunnell

Feb 25th, 2015

LosWochos LosWochos

Jan 21st, 2015

Caro60 Caro60

Huck's journey down the river with Jim is very much about Huck's journey in getting to know Jim not as a slave but as a person. His wrestle with his consience about Jim as a possession and Jim as a person is memorable. His decison to opt on the side of Jim the person and to therefore damn himself ot hell is poignant in an era where slavery was just accepted. A great novel full of a rag bag of fascinating characters.

Jan 20th, 2015

notathreatinsight notathreatinsight

Dec 30th, 2014

willoyd willoyd

Dec 30th, 2014

jwk jwk

Dec 12th, 2014

acpac2004 acpac2004

Jul 25th, 2014

bdubransky bdubransky

Jun 15th, 2014

AJ-Today AJ-Today

Forget all the controversy about this book. In my opinion, it is only the less-well-read and political snobs who cannot appreciate this story. It's been a while since I've read this, but I remember coming away with tenderness and sympathy and even more enlightened about the evil practice of slavery. Plus Huck Finn is a little rebel. Who can't appreciate that?

May 14th, 2014

sanayhs sanayhs

May 9th, 2014

Dolphy76 Dolphy76

After Moby Dick this is arguably the greatest American Novel ever written.

Mar 1st, 2014

rogercavanagh rogercavanagh

I tried reading this again just recently. I'm afraid I got bored and stopped half way through.

Jan 13th, 2014

adityasanehi adityasanehi

Just Like The Tom Sawyer One !

Sep 18th, 2013

aola aola

Jul 21st, 2013

briggsy200 briggsy200

Apr 1st, 2013

mike8743 mike8743

Mar 10th, 2013

matthewrparks matthewrparks

I honestly just wasn't fond of this book, American classic or not. It bored me to tears.

Feb 25th, 2013

jdbosel jdbosel

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is always a hard book to consider acting positive toward. Most people who consider it offensive are heavily focused on the overt themes of racism approached within the book's pages. What is often overlooked and hard for people to properly digest is that at the time the book was written, as well as the time period in which the story takes place, were not times of political correctness or racial sensitivity. Therefore, one of the most important things about this book is its depiction of social behaviors in slavery-era America. Sadly, a lot of the racial bigotry still exists in parts of America, but this isn't really the place to get into it. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is at its heart a story of a boy's coming of age through his travels with his companion Jim. Through their travels, Huck and Jim encounter many different characters and events which will forever change their lives and viewpoints on the world in which they live. This book is as fascinating as a work of fiction as it is a strong work of historical social documentation. Sure one of its primary themes is racism, but this is a classic that should be held in high regard to remind us of where we have been, and what we need to consider to continue moving forward and growing up.

Feb 15th, 2013

samaelro samaelro

Feb 15th, 2013

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn appears on these lists...

14th on The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Bert

31st on 100 Greatest Novels of All Time by The Guardian

42nd on 100 Novels Everyone Should Read by Telegraph

54th on Top 100 Books by Newsweek