Book :: Waiting for the Barbarians

Waiting for the Barbarians
By: J. M. Coetzee
Pages: 160
Published: 1980
Genre(s): Africa
Historical Fiction
Literary Fiction
Award(s): Nobel Prize in Literature (2003)
Rating: (2)


76 points

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For decades the Magistrate has run the affairs of a tiny frontier settlement, ignoring the impending war between the barbarians and the Empire, whose servant he is. But when the interrogation experts arrive, he is jolted into sympathy for the victims, and into a quixotic act of rebellion which lands him in prison.

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red13x red13x

Difficult to describe this one... Interesting book, more about the barbarian between a man’s legs than those out in the country! Gripping read.

Jul 6th, 2019

forline forline

Apr 5th, 2018

Waiting for the Barbarians appears on these lists...

92nd on The 20th Centrury's Greatest Hits by American Book Review

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