Book :: I, Claudius

I, Claudius
By: Robert Graves
Pages: 468
Published: 1934
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Rating: (6)


151 points

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Despised for his weakness and regarded by his family as little more than a stammering fool, the nobleman Claudius quietly survives the intrigues, bloody purges and mounting cruelty of the imperial Roman dynasties. In I, Claudius he watches from the sidelines to record the reigns of its emperors: from the wise Augustus and his villainous wife Livia to the sadistic Tiberius and the insane...

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forline forline

thoroughly enjoyed this rapid-fire look into this fascinating era!! So droll I laughed out loud at incestuous that I had to go back and figure out the intriguing that I often shook my head in disbelief...and so very apropos to TODAY!

Nov 29th, 2017

bryanoz bryanoz

Nov 9th, 2017

sanayhs sanayhs

Jul 5th, 2015

Caro60 Caro60

It is hard to believe that this book is set almost 2000 years in the past. Grave's great skill is to recreate this era and to bring characters from history to life. It is an era I knew little about and his depiction of the Claudian family, both as people and as political figures is fascinating.

Sep 24th, 2014

red13x red13x

When I first tried to read this book I gave up after a few chapters, I just couldn't get into it and all of the different characters confused me. Nevertheless I tried it again a few months later and pushed through the first few chapters and ended up really enjoying the rest of the book! I would definitely recommend giving this book a go.

Sep 21st, 2014

bot69 bot69

This book is written in a narrative style and you are brought into the world of Claudius to the point of almost believing Graves is channeling the man as he writes. A wonderful book, as is the follow up, Claudius the God.

Nov 6th, 2013

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